In today’s world, laptops are considered the most productive tools. A laptop emits EMF in various frequencies, and it’s no wonder that these radiations can be deadly to your health. Moreover, your healthy organs and cells are affected by the EMF radiation frequencies emitted by your laptop
This article is about whether it’s okay to put your laptop on your lap, and if it’s bad, what’re the backgrounds and effects.
Table of Contents
Is it Bad to Put Your Laptop on Your Lap?
As mentioned earlier, habitually putting your laptop on your lap is harmful to you. Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t put the laptop on your lap:
1. Wi-Fi Radiofrequency Radiation Hazards

You’d naturally think that laptops are pretty harmless based on their appearance. However, it picks up wireless signals (MICROWAVES) that emit electromagnetic frequencies. If you put it on your lap, its proximity can affect sperm count in men and egg release in women
Researchers in Argentina have found that a laptop placed near your legs, rather than on your lap, can have harmful effects on male sperm DNA.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine also educated a conference that put a laptop on your lap can affect fertility.
2. Leads to Cancer

Swiss researchers Dr. Andreas Arnold and Peter Itin from the College Hospital Basel have found out that a heated laptop can severely attack your skin
This claim is supported by dermatologist Anthony J. Mancini, who’s clearly stated that skin inflammation over a long period of time increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma. Undoubtedly, this is the most aggressive form of skin cancer compared to other cancers
It’s also been observed that people who keep their laptop very close can even get testicular and ovarian cancer.
3. It Can Cause Issues Like Back and Neck Pain

Recent research has found that prolonged squatting over a laptop on your lap can lead to back and neck pain. The solution to this is to place the laptop on a table, which is said to be better for posture
That’s because the introduction of laptops to the market also brought with it a major advantage: mobility. Compared to desktops, they can be used in a variety of environments.
Because of this, some people tend to put laptops on their laps for extended periods of time. Since this leads to a poor working posture, long-term use should be avoided.
4. Can Result in Sleeping Issues

There are times when people prop their laptops on their laps and type in silence. The artificial light emitted by the screen suppresses the secretion of melatonin, which promotes sleep
People who spend nights on their laptops often suffer from insomnia; perhaps it’s time to trade in the laptop for a journal or novel.
Or we’ve found an alternative to that: Use f.lux, a Chrome extension that lets you adjust the brightness of your screen like daylight.
5. Issues in Pregnancy

A woman’s fertility and reproductive ability are affected when she works long hours on her laptop, and can even delay egg production, ultimately making it harder for her to get pregnant
Assuming the woman becomes pregnant but continues to use her laptop on her lap, the EMF radiation can cause problems for the fetus she carries. And when these babies are born, they’ve congenital and developmental difficulties
According to the Environmental and Occupational Health Publication, the mother and fetus have a higher risk of being exposed to a greater amount of electromagnetic radiation from laptops than from other power lines and screens. Pregnant women who use laptops on their laps and in close contact with their babies are at higher risk of adverse health effects to their offspring.
6. Can Burn Your Skin

If you spend a lot of time playing games or working on your laptop while placing it on your lap, you may develop toasted skin syndrome. According to medical reports, you may develop unusual-looking mottled skin lesions or rashes if you hold a device such as a laptop near your skin exposed to heat for an extended period of time
The condition, known as ‘erythema ab igne,” develops over time depending on how long the laptop is used, how long it’s on your lap, and how hot it gets. This syndrome is usually harmless and goes away on its own when you start protecting it from further exposure, or it can lead to permanent skin pigmentation.
Frequently Aksed Question
Is it bad to put your laptop on your lap?
According to current scientific research, there is no link between using a portable (laptop) computer and cancer. Most theories about laptops and cancer are related to heat, electromagnetic radiation, or wireless network radiation (WiFi). Therefore, it is not recommended to put your laptop on your lap for a long period of time.
How can I keep my laptop on my lap?
You can use a large clipboard. Any TV tray without legs will do. You can use a piece of wood. You can use a laptop table. A apartment surface with padding on one side will make your legs more comfortable.
How much radiation does a laptop emit?
Laptops are kept in close contact with our laps. Its bottom generates EMF at a rate of 40-100 milliGauss, which is 40-100 times higher than the recommended upper limit. EMF exposed to a limited part of the body makes it more dangerous.
Do laptops affect sperm count?
U.S. scientists report in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility that men who use their laptops on their laps are likely to have scrotal hyperthermia – increased temperatures in their testicles – which can dramatically affect the quality of their sperm and thus their fertility.
Where should I put my laptop when using it?
Your laptop should only be used on apartment surfaces. Airflow will be blocked if you place your laptop on a apartment or uneven surface such as a pillow, bed, or lap for an extended period of time. This will cause the laptop to overheat. Using your laptop in this way can cause it to overheat.
Will a pillow protect against laptop radiation?
If you want a quick answer, the answer is “No.” The cushion won’t stop the radiation from the laptop. Since the vents are usually on the bottom, it’ll do additional harm to your laptop.
To sum it up in simple words, we’d like to say that holding your laptop on your lap isn’t recommended. And we don’t recommend using your laptop, especially if it’s connected to the Wi-Fi. Try to put it on a desk or table and keep as much distance as possible between you and the device
We understand that it feels very comfortable to have the laptop on your lap, but if you make it a habit, you’ll get yourself into serious trouble and make your life miserable.
I hope this article has helped you understand the consequences of continuing to do it this way.
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